Average hip, knee replacement patient may be getting younger
People might think of the typical joint replacement patient as a senior aged 65 or older, but the surgery is becoming much more common among younger adults with chronic joint pain.
People might think of the typical joint replacement patient as a senior aged 65 or older, but the surgery is becoming much more common among younger adults with chronic joint pain.
Accurate hip reconstruction is associated with improved biomechanical behavior following total hip arthroplasty (THA). However, whether this is associated with improved patient-reported outcome measures (PROs) is unknown.
As you may be painfully aware, knee pain is very common. Global estimates suggest that more than 1 in 5 adults age 40 and over experience this type of joint problem, and knee pain in men and women in the United States increases steadily after age 60. Here are some of the best home-based ways to help your knees feel and function better.
Cracking and popping joints, medically known as crepitus, are normal. Joints are points in your body where two bones meet. You might occasionally hear your knees popping or notice your back or bones crack as you move them.
Results presented here showed patients with depression undergoing total knee arthroplasty experienced an increased risk of medical and surgical complications, readmissions and reoperations.